


GORE? Protective Vents - Adhesive Series - Quality Assurance Testing (287 KB)  Gore Vents Datasheet

Multiple testing processes ensure the quality and reliability of Adhesive vents: membrane tests for air flow and water entry pressure, lot testing of finished product dimensions and adhesive bond, and a manual, visual inspection of every part.



GORE REMEDIA Catalytic Filter System Overview

戈爾? 濾必達? 濾袋

手冊, 523.56 KB

作為表面過濾技術的發明者,W. L. Gore & Associates(戈爾公司)能夠幫助您高效地捕集固態顆粒物,并將氣態二噁英在袋式過濾器內進行催化分解,實現二噁英治理。戈爾的過濾解決方案頗具創新,而且所有覆膜濾袋產品使用簡單:只需在袋式除塵器中安裝不同的濾袋,無需改變工藝流程,無需培訓,無需添置昂貴的新設備。戈爾過濾解決方案不僅能確保排放更環保,還有助于提高運行效益。

Get full details on the rigorous product performance and conditioning testing our gearbox vents undergo. This Validation Report, which documents the test methods and the results, demonstrates why our vents are so effective at helping to safeguard both your outdoor equipment and your investment.

Please tell us about yourself and your equipment application so we can send you to this informative Report.

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To ensure optimal performance of Gore product PMF100570 in oil-filled components, please follow these guidelines for design, vent placement, and transportation to assembly.

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This compact tube-mount vent provides high-performance venting and reliable ingress protection for electrified and traditional gearbox components in the toughest outdoor applications. Gore Gearbox Vents can preserve seal integrity and improve component reliability in rail, marine, agricultural, industrial, submersible and new energy applications.

ABS Design Assessment

GORE? Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) has received a PDA (Product Design Assessment) certificate under the ABS Approval Program.  The scope and limitations of this assessment are detailed on the pages attached to this certificate.

ABS Certificate

GORE? GR Sheet Gasketing has received a PDA (Product Design Assessment) certificate under the ABS Approval Program. The scope and limitations of this assessment are detailed on the pages attached to this certificate.

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In the face of growing environmental concerns and more stringent regulations, the detection of greenhouse gases like methane has become a valuable asset in fighting climate challenges.